Tuesday, May 8, 2007

My first post!

Hey y'all! This is my first of what I hope will be many great and inspirational posts! My good friend Jacob turned me on to this site as a means of giving you all an opportunity to catch up with me as I train for my various events (mostly marathons but I do have some long-term goals down the road). I'll update this with new info as often as poss.

My first marathon gone (The LaSalle Bank Chicago Marathon) and I already have the fever to do it again....better! I've been reading alot, asking alot of questions, and subscribing to periodicals all in hopes of improving upon my previous marathon time (5:04) which was rather disappointing to me.

I will recount that marathon story in a later post. Right now I just wanna get this baby up'n runnin and let you all know I'm here...so bookmark this joint and visit it at least once a week.

I will also be updating this with fundraising info. I believe in doing what we can, when we can, as well as we can. It was with that in mind that I raised over $800 for the Walter Payton Foundation when I ran my first marathon last fall.

I'm currently in training for either The New York City Marathon (11/4) or The Harrisburg/Hershey Marathon (11/11). I say either/or because NYC is such a large event that they choose the entrants based on a lottery....if they pick your name, you run! So I have begun my training hoping to run in NYC but if I don't get in, Harrisburg/Hershey is the week after NYC so I can still train and plan to run a marathon in November.

For this next marathon adventure, I am raising money for Diabetes....it seems to run in my family (my dad, my cousin, and even my dog have diabetes). As I get this whole blog set up, I will give you more info as to what exact foundation I am supporting, and (of course) how you can donate. I will be trying to set upan internet donation site where you can go and donate right from your computer....EASY!!!!

Anyway, enough for this blog, it was a good one. More to follow. The Page will get spruced up as well. Gimme some time.